Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Today is the First Day...

That familiar phrase “Today is the first day of the rest of your life” came true for me towards the end of January 2010. At my Small Group Bible Study on January 25, we were asked to identify our gifts. I came up with a desire to help people and the ability to write. But the catastrophic earthquake had hit Haiti on January 12, and I was consumed with the situation there.

I learned that the official language of Haiti is French. I read that, while there were at the time a lot of doctors converging on Haiti, there would be a continuing need for nurses and physical therapists. Hmm. French. Physical Therapy. Two skills I have that could be put to use as gifts to help in Haiti. My children are old enough to do without me for a few weeks at a time. I’m 50, a halfway point in a good, long life. So, is this the proverbial new beginning? I think it is.


  1. Sara I'm looking forward to keeping up with you on your blog. God bless you. I'll keep you (and your family while you are away) in my prayers. When do you think you will be going?

  2. I'm looking at going in July. Thanks, Debe. Stay tuned.
